eFront ERM enables in-depth use of the control system within your organization.

eFront ERM Control offers a way to manage the entire internal control system: from the definition of controls, constitution of campaigns, planning, reminders, collection of results at the finest level of the organization, to validation circuits, detection of anomalies and continuous improvement.

With its extensive coverage, eFront ERM Control allows to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your control system.

Today's top challenges for internal control managers

  • A complete internal control system acts at different levels of the organization, from the highest — “macro” (for example, to conduct self-assessment campaigns) — to the most operational — “micro” (for example, to carry out controls) — with different frequencies and people in charge. This  level of control is difficult to manage without a specialized tool. eFront ERM Control helps manage this complexity by automating and aligning the entire control system at all levels of the organization.

  • An internal control system requires collecting a significant amount of information, mainly through the thousands of controls to be carried out for each campaign. These controls can involve hundreds, or even thousands, of first-line controllers. eFront ERM provides a simple and intuitive interface to facilitate this collection process and increases the level of engagement with the first line through tasks lists, optimized forms and automatic reminders. In addition, the solution makes it possible to easily manage a very large volume of data, verify it, aggregate it and analyze it.

  • The organization of large-scale or targeted control campaigns is complicated. It differs according to the entities and processes of the organization and according to variable modalities and frequencies. Managing an internal control system can quickly become a hard task for internal control departments and operational controllers, as well as a source of frustration or significant direct and indirect costs for the organization. Thanks to its native control design, campaign planning and follow-up features, eFront ERM automates and streamlines the implementation and monitoring of controls at all levels.

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Key product features


Companies in need of an immediate internal control solution can leverage eFront ERM's Ready version. This version is developed from industry best practices over 15 years of experience to secure a rapid deployment.


eFront ERM allows you to describe, in detail, all the controls aimed at monitoring your activity, based on your organization, activities and risks. All of the controls, whether operated by controllers, operational staff, or cross-functional teams — no matter how granular — are addressed within the solution.


The eFront ERM software makes it possible to simultaneously send a control questionnaire to all stakeholders within the organization. The solution automatically sends questionnaires, automatic reminders and follow-ups to each user. Each respondent has access to a simple, ergonomic and functionally-rich form. The form allows users to associate the justifications and action plans according to the methodology deployed.


Through the scheduler and its powerful planning features, eFront ERM allows you to industrialize and streamline the organization and execution of your control plan. The solution automates your and monitoring progress.


The eFront ERM solution makes it possible to build unlimited "custom" control grids and associated management rules. These can be generic and applied to a group of controls, or be specific to particular controls . Finally, within a control itself, it is possible to evaluate, one by one, each constituent element of a sample through the same grid of control points.


For controls that do not reach the required level, or for those that have revealed anomalies, action plan management is put in place to continuously improve the monitoring of activities and reduce risk exposure. These action plans aim to enhance established controls, correct errors or eliminate a cause of risk.


eFront ERM dashboards are specially designed to drive controls and action plans. With their built-in functionality, dashboards can serve as entry points to navigate through organizational levels and to access controls and action plans.
Dashboards are real data analysis tools used to generate standard reports specially designed for the internal control.
Dashboards can also be fully-customized using the tool's reporting and publishing features.


Give leaders a quick overview of and direct access to all pending tasks via the "to-do list" menu. This menu includes tasks such as controls to perform or to validate, action plans to validate, etc.

Key Stats

eFront ERM Control clients
are also eFront ERM Risk clients
Time required to launch a control campaign across hundred entities
Countries represented in the user base

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