About eFront Insight Data Services

Every quarter, alternative investors around the world struggle to collect and transform data on their investments. Aggregating high-quality and consistent data from a wide range of general partners often proves difficult and time-consuming. To help limited partners overcome this challenge, eFront Insight Data Services (IDS) manages the whole quarterly reporting process on their behalf—including data collection, transformation, and validation—delivering the reports within the eFront Insight portal. This process is powered by patent-pending machine learning technology. eFront IDS clients receive in-depth insights faster than other investors receive a high-level overview, and gain more confidence in their data by being able to track the origin of any piece of information in just a few clicks.

Key Product Features


Quarterly reports are uploaded directly to the eFront platform in either standardized templates or AltExchange/ILPA/INREV formatted documents, ensuring data granularity. This process is powered by our machine-learning automation tool, which unlocks documents in various formats to extract key metrics and automatically converts them into high-quality reports.


Our comprehensive database can be easily accessed directly through the eFront IDS portal, with the ability to further integrate with other eFront solutions. The portal also features export functions to both Excel and corporate systems.


Quarterly reports and financial statements provided by managers are sourced directly from the portal or email attachments and are converted from PDF, Word, and other formats into a standard IDS template. The datasets are cleansed and normalized using machine learning technology.


An automated validation process incorporates multi-level data quality controls. The system combines confidence levels and intelligent validation with a human-in-the-loop workflow for data verification. The tool learns from past use cases to get smarter over time. Today, IDS processes over 25,000 documents every quarter, rapidly expanding its knowledge bank and accelerating its learning process.


Further application of the new machine learning technology enables IDS' clients to search through their entire digitized data repository. Investors using IDS can select any quarterly report data point and see its complete audit trail in just a few clicks, starting from where it originated and how it may have been manipulated along the way.


Leverage our dedicated team of IDS analysts in addition to eFront's worldwide professional services and support teams anytime from anywhere.

Key Stats

Fund managers contributing data
Portfolio companies and properties tracked
Documents processed every quarter
Days after quarter end, the latest datasets are available

Today’s Top Alternative Investment Data Challenges

  • Collecting quarterly data from every fund is time-consuming, expensive, difficult, and often leads to long delays in quarterly reporting.

  • Aggregating and consolidating data is challenging when every GP uses a different template format.

  • Quarterly reports do not contain the necessary level of data granularity and consistency.

  • There is insufficient time for high value-added tasks because so much time is required for data collection and aggregation.

  • Low-quality alternative investment data drastically limit the reliability and level of analysis that can be performed.

How can limited partners benefit from eFront Insight Data Services?

  • IDS enables limited partners to track any piece of information contained within their quarterly reports back to its origin. This level of clarity helps investors gain even more trust in their data set and perform analyses with more confidence faster than ever before.

  • IDS provides access to a uniquely comprehensive set of data. With its ability to drill down to the manager, fund, and underlying asset levels across all alternative asset classes, you can easily perform complex analyses—e.g., customized exposure to currency, country, industry and more.

  • eFront Insight Data Services is a SaaS-based information portal supported by data collection services, which means that users face no constraints regarding data volume. IDS is designed to be flexible, enabling users to scale up at a moment's notice to handle any volume of quarterly performance data-processing tasks.

  • IDS enables limited partners to track any piece of information contained within their quarterly reports back to its origin. This level of clarity helps investors gain even more trust in their data set and perform analyses with more confidence faster than ever before.

  • eFront Insight Data Services is a SaaS-based information portal supported by data collection services, which means that users face no constraints regarding data volume. IDS is designed to be flexible, enabling users to scale up at a moment's notice to handle any volume of quarterly performance data-processing tasks.

  • Leverage eFront Insight Data Services' secure 24/7 platform to efficiently communicate, share templates, and collect data from fund managers worldwide. IDS' standardized processes allow limited partners to quickly and easily get the necessary information from GPs, track progress, and monitor submissions.

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