Stacked hay balesafter the harvest, winter fodder for animals..


Investors in private markets (private equity, real estate, infrastructure, and private debt) are often frustrated by the industry’s general lack of sophisticated systems and reliable data needed for them to make sound investment decisions, especially compared to the systems available to public market investors. eFront offers sophisticated solutions specifically built for alternative investing, providing investors with a powerful portfolio construction tool to help them achieve their investment objectives.

Explore eFront’s Solutions Below

  • Streamline Pipeline

    With eFront Office, investors can efficiently manage their alternative investment network (e.g., advisors, fund managers, general partners) with a CRM system tailored to fit the specificities of the alternative asset classes.
  • Transform Communications

    With eFront Insight, limited partners and other alternative investors can access the most advanced analytical platform and dissect the performance of their invested funds, managers and even performance across their portfolio.
  • Take Benchmarking to the Next Level

    eFront Insight's Research module is the part of eFront Insight that incorporates reliable alternative investment benchmarks and performance metrics in sophisticated, high-quality, white-labelled reports on portfolio data.

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