man in camelhair coat looking at phone


Information exchange in alternative investment world is critical - particularly between invested assets and fund managers, and fund managers and investors. Therefore eFront's solutions are serving the specific needs of alternative investment professionals.

Explore eFront’s Solutions Below

  • Unlock Portfolio Value

    Through its dedicated investee portal, eFront Portfolio Monitoring (PM) streamlines and automates the data collection process from invested assets to the alternative asset manager, whether in private equity or real estate.
  • Investor Portals

    eFront Investment Café transforms investor relationship management, providing a modern, clean and easy to use cloud-based portal in order to guarantee investors access to information anytime, anywhere and from any device.
  • Transform Communications

    Data provided may contain errors and omissions. Through eFront Insight GP, general partners and fund managers can access an intuitive portal centered on digitizing those private data exchanges.

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